
We offer fun and friendly dog training that works based in Cumbernauld.  Our principal trainer, fully qualified by the IMDT and an accredited Master Trainer by the Guild of Dog Trainers, has 20 years experience and is also a qualified Canine Nutritionist. No matter what your dog training goal is, we can help!


1-2-1 Consultations

With 20 years experience our qualified trainers are here to help no matter what your current struggle is. We will take the time to get to know you and your dog and offer the most up to date, force-free and science-based approach. If you need help to get your puppy on the right path from day 1, want to get ahead in your specialist obedience or scent training, or if you have a specific behavior concern we will be there to help.  As well as our 1-2-1 sessions, where the handler/s are present for the session, in 2022 we launched limited availability for  ‘Personal Training’ sessions.  These offer 1-2-1 training for your dog, without you having to be present and can help to maximise your dog’s learning. 

Group Training

Our group dog training classes are available both indoors and outdoors (most of the year round).  We offer puppy basic obedience classes, general obedience classes, aimed at dogs from adolescence and beyond and advanced obedience classes, which your dog can progress to.  As well as the above classes, we also offer specialist classes in Scent and Detection, Man Trailing and Canine First Aid.  We also throughout the year run a range of pop-up classes, covering everything from “Rapid Recall” to “How to Overcome Household Struggles” (like barking at the window cleaner and how to tackle the dreaded vacuum). *coming Soon* Learn how your dog can live the best life possible through our incredible Enrichment Workshop.

Nutritional Advice

We believe all dogs deserve the very best, in training and in food. Our qualified canine nutritionist offers expert advice to help you provide everything your dog needs. We offer a bespoke approach and can help you customise your dogs diet to their unique and specific requirements. Whether your dog has a specific dietary concern or you want to give their shiny coat a boost, we can help.

Puppy Specialist

If you are looking for fun and friendly puppy classes that set you and your pup up for a successful life together?  Look no further!Our specialist puppy classes provide you with all the knowledge and tools to overcome any puppy struggles you might be facing, and help you raise a happy, well-rounded dog.

Pack Walks

Everyone who trains with us is also invited to join our regular pack walks. These are great fun and offer you a chance to take your training on the road! We explore new areas together, giving you more dog walking options not only within Cumbernauld, but also occasionally we will have a “field trip” outwith North Lanarkshire. Our pack walks are also a great opportunity to top up your training and practice what you learn in class in a real life environment.

What our students say

“After a good couple of months of not being able to visit my mum, due to her Labradoodle going mental at my 11 year old son, with constant barking and jumping on him and not giving him a minutes peace ( which can be quite scary for a child), Micheal came round and spent some time helping both the dog and my son to build a better relationship.

I was gobsmacked when I returned from work after only 1 session my son was sitting on the floor with the dog and was in control of what was happening the dog was so calm and wasn’t bothering my son.

We have been working on what Micheal has taught us and every day is getting better and we can actually visit my mum now without the worry of how the dog is going to react.

I would highly recommend Micheal to anyone who is in the same situation 100%, true dog whisperer…”

Rhianne – August 2020

“We brought Bonnie, our Chocolate lab puppy, to the group training class and the difference in her has been amazing! From her lead work to improving her concentration around distractions it has been so good. The class is differentiated, so each dog is challenged at their own level. We have also been luck enough to have a 121 session with Michael focused on stopping Bonnie jumping on strangers. Everything was so well explained and we could see improvements in her behaviour (and ours!) immediately. Michael has also been on hand to answer our many, many questions and is always there to give great help and advice. I would highly recomment the classes and sessions!

― Lyn and Steven – September 2020

Ready to improve your relationship with your dog?

No matter what your dog training goal or struggle is, we can help.

We will get to know you and your dog, providing the help and support you need.

About Us

We provide dog training classes and dog behaviour consultations in Cumbernauld.

We equip you and your dog with everything you need to have the best possible relationship.

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